Mesdames et Messieurs,
Je voudrais vous inviter chaleureusement à Pycon Autriche 2025.
Malheureusement, mon français n’est pas assez bon pour le reste du message, je vais donc écrire en anglais:
Please share the following message among your members:
There will be a free international Python conference in Austria from 6th to 7th April 2025:
(conference language will be English)
Entrance is for free but registration as a visitor, volunteer or speaker is necessary. Please register now because our places are limited.
It will be a conference about the Python programming language with free entrance for visitors, free community tables for python-related groups and open-source projects and paid tables for sponsors. Among talks and workshops, there will be recruiting sessions and talks / workshops dedicated to using Python in education.
Would you be interested to represent your group with a table (or a poster / booklets / advertising material) at the conference ?
It is the goal of the conference to make it easy for visitors to connect with active people from the python community in person. It is also a goal of the conference to present to conference visitors many parts of the complex Python ecosystem of libraries and open-source projects that are connected with the Python programming language.
Also, if possible, could you please spread the message about the conference and print out and publish this poster :
greetings from Vienna,
-Horst JENS